Entries Published On October, 2020
Cuba reports 63 new cases of coronavirus, 41 in Pinar del Río
Help us keep OnCuba alive Four provinces in the western and central regions reported yesterday the 63 new contagions from the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Cuba, according to today’s report from the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP). The majority were diagnosed in Pinar del Río, where the detected cases from five municipalities totaled 41. Se confirmaron …
Cuba: still no date for conference of emigrants, although there’s “interest in holding it”
The 4th The Nation and Emigration Conference, initially scheduled for last April and which had to be postponed due to COVID-19, still doesn’t have a defined date for its holding. However, “interest in holding it continues,” Ernesto Soberón, general director of Consular Affairs and Cubans Residing Abroad of the island’s Foreign Ministry, said to OnCuba. …
Religiones en Cuba continúan tendencia a la diversidad y crecimiento
Cuba es un país donde la fe católica, las religiones de origen africano y el sincretismo siguen concentrando la mayoría de la población creyente. La entrada Religiones en Cuba continúan tendencia a la diversidad y crecimiento se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.