Entries Published On December, 2020
Cuba with 115 new coronavirus infections after processing more than 14,000 samples
With the 115 new infections reported by the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), Cuba is beginning the next to the last week of a month in which COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed, largely due to imported cases. In fact, 51 of the positive cases had the source of infection abroad, 54 were contacts of confirmed cases, …
For Biden’s Cuba policy, quid pro quo incrementalism is doomed to fail
As the anniversary of President Obama’s Dec. 17 historic breakthrough on relations with Cuba approaches, Joe Biden’s incoming administration has the opportunity to revive the successful détente that, as vice president, Biden endorsed and supported. As president, however, Biden will face fierce political pressure to demand quid pro quos from Cuba’s leaders in return for …
Cómo enviar comida a Cuba o la tendencia de fin de año
Más de cinco sitios de comercio electrónico por moneda libremente convertible incrementan sus envíos de comida y aseo a la isla en el último mes de este 2020. La entrada Cómo enviar comida a Cuba o la tendencia de fin de año se publicó primero en IPS Cuba.